
Journal Articles

  • Plenter, Johanna I. (2023): "Advantages and Pitfalls of Machine Translation for Party Research: The Translation of Party Manifestos of European Parties Using DeepL". Frontiers in Political Science 5. doi:10.3389/fpos.2023.1268320.

Work in Progress & Preprints

  • Plenter, Johanna I. (under review): "The Gig Economy in Party Manifestos: Analysing Salience and Rhetoric Across Europe". Working Paper. May 2024.
  • Plenter, Johanna I. (2022): "Addressing Gig Workers as Voters: The Development of a Typology of Party Strategies". OSF Preprints. May 2. doi:10.31219/

Blog posts & Reports

  • Plenter, Johanna I. (2024): "Ein Teil der Arbeiter:innenklasse? Analyse des Klassenbewusstseins prekär und atypisch Beschäftigter in Deutschland". FES diskurs. Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Link: Report.
  • Plenter, Johanna I. (2024): "Die Europäische Gig Economy - Warum wir uns als Politikwissenschaft und Gesellschaft dafür interessieren sollten". Blog: Über Politik aus der Wissenschaft. April 22. Link: Blogpost.
  • Elis, Jonas, Kemper, Jakob, Plenter, Johanna I. & Vierus, Paul (2024): "Python in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methodenlehre: Motivation und Erfahrungsbericht eines Lehrprojekts". Blog: Über Politik aus der Wissenschaft. January 29. Link: Blogpost.

Conferences and Summer Schools

  • „The Gig Economy in Party Manifestos: Analysing the Salience and Rhetoric of an Economic Niche Issue Across Europe”, EPSA 2023, Glasgow, June 2023. [Download Slides]
  • „Advantages and Pitfalls of Machine Translation for Party Research: The Translation of Party Manifestos of European Parties Using DeepL”, Summer School of the ECPR Standing Group on Political Parties, Aarhus University, August 2022. [Download Slides]
  • „Gig Workers as Voters: How Left-wing Parties Address Them as a New Electoral Target Group”, Lunch Seminars in Comparative Political Economy, University of Bergen, April 2022. [Download Slides]
  • „Addressing Gig Workers as Voters: The Development of a Typology of Party Strategies”, 13. Düsseldorfer Graduiertenkonferenz Parteienwissenschaften (GraPa 2022), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Februar 2022.

Service to the Profession

Since October 2021, I am the spokesperson for all Political Science PhD candidates and Postdocs on the department's board. In addition, I am available as a reviewer for peer-reviewed journals in my area of expertise.